Kat Theophanous MP

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The Andrews Labor Government is continuing to support grassroots sport with new facilities on the way for McDonnel Park in Northcote.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence today announced that the Labor Government would contribute up to $250,000 to deliver reserve upgrades at McDonell Park.

The project will benefit Northcote Junior Football Club, Dennis Cricket Club and Northcote Tennis Court users.

McDonell Park is a well loved and popular local reserve used by our community sporting clubs as well as many local residents for recreation and dog walking.

This project will help uplift the area, supporting participation in community sport and improving amenity for local residents.

The Victorian Budget 2022/23 is providing an additional $88 million to deliver new and improved community sports infrastructure and programs to boost participation in local sports clubs and organisations.

This initiative is part of the Government’s investment of more than $1.6 billion in community sport infrastructure since 2014. Investments like these are all about creating jobs, stimulating local economies, and improving the health, wellbeing, and social outcomes for Victorian communities.

Quote attributable to Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence

 “We’re investing in upgrades to community sport and recreation to help create local jobs and ensure more Victorians can enjoy the sports that they love.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northcote Kat Theophanous

“This is a great win for families in our community and builds on our strong record of backing community sport and recreation facilities.”

“I’ve been proud to stand with local clubs through their advocacy for better facilities, and I’m pleased to be delivering another important local project that will benefit both players and the broader community.”