Kat Theophanous MP

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Ms THEOPHANOUS (Northcote): My adjournment is to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, and the action I seek is that the minister join me in hosting a forum to discuss energy and the environment with the Northcote electorate. Minister, as you know, the residents of Northcote are passionate about the bold work underway to reduce emissions and increase renewable energy generation here in Victoria, and I am grateful to our many local environmental groups, such as Friends of Merri Creek, Darebin Climate Action Now, our wonderful Stationeers and our student activists, who both care for our local environment and work tirelessly to raise awareness of climate issues across our community.

I know Northcote residents were keen to see climate action centre stage of our pandemic response, and they have not been disappointed. Today we have delivered some incredible announcements—announcements that will create jobs and reduce energy costs for Northcote households, announcements that will reduce emissions and grow our efforts towards a cleaner future. This includes our unprecedented $1.6 billion investment to create renewable energy hubs across the state, the biggest investment in clean energy infrastructure in any state’s history. And I know our local groups will be excited about our support for community organisations to implement their own local energy efficiency projects like microgrids, as well as our rollout of fast-charging networks for electric vehicles.

Residents have already contacted me about our $797 million household energy efficiency package, which will cut power bills and make homes more efficient as we replace old wood or gas-fired heaters with new energy-efficient heating and cooling. We are also expanding our Solar Homes program and putting in place minimum energy efficiency standards for renters, and as an electorate with 47 per cent renters and 14 per cent rooftop solar already, this is a big win for our community. And this is only the latest step in this government’s record of reform and investment.

Minister, I know that, like my community, you are deeply passionate about putting sustainability at the heart of our economic recovery, and I know you are as excited as I am to continue our important work. My community would welcome the chance to hear from you and discuss the government’s agenda to progress climate action in Victoria and what that will mean for generations to come.