NORTHCOTE ELECTORATE - Mental Health Services
Ms THEOPHANOUS (Northcote): My question is to the Minister for Mental Health. I ask the minister to provide an update on the progress of the government’s efforts to deliver more mental health services to the inner north. Minister, the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make real change, and when it comes to the prevalence of mental health conditions the inner north is over-represented. That is why in July last year, on behalf of my community, I made a formal submission to the royal commission. I emphasised the need to fundamentally change how the system responds to mental health and put prevention at the heart of our efforts. According to the Victorian Population Health Survey, one in five residents of my community report experiencing anxiety or depression. Over one in 10 say they suffer high levels of psychological distress, and 18 percent say they feel deep social isolation. For too many this struggle begins from a very young age; more than 75 per cent of mental health issues develop before a person turns 25. Minister, my community would greatly appreciate an update on how this work will deliver better outcomes for people in the inner north.