Kat Theophanous MP

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Ms THEOPHANOUS (Northcote): My adjournment matter is to the Minister for Employment, and the action I seek is that the minister meet with me to discuss opportunities to grow local jobs in Northcote. Over the years the inner north has changed and transformed. Many of our dense industrial and manufacturing zones have been gradually replaced with residential infill development. The kinds of jobs that used to dominate our suburbs, such as textiles, automotives and brickworks, have shifted in favour of service industries, creative industries, small boutique retailers and social enterprises as well as science, tech and innovation. Many of these industries have been heavily impacted by the pandemic.

In the September quarter Darebin saw unemployment reach 6.4 per cent, a higher rate on average than greater Melbourne or Victoria. Feeling the brunt of this were key sectors like hospitality, retail, entertainment and the creative industries. As we steam ahead with our economic recovery, retaining and growing jobs in the inner north is an absolute priority for me. Part of that is making sure that we are creating pathways to jobs that align with Victoria’s future needs and growth industries. Thornbury High School will soon become home to a state-of-the-art STEAM centre, and I am working with Northcote High on a similar proposal. It is so important we foster a pipeline of talent in these fields.

At the same time, Melbourne Polytechnic in Preston is home to a dedicated skills and jobs centre, a fantastic Victorian government initiative helping people access training and employment opportunities. More recently we have been thrilled to see new jobs supported through investment in local school upgrades and our upcoming big social housing build. We have benefited from the creation of almost 300 jobs through our Working for Victoria program across community services like Your Community Health, Bridge Darebin, the Alphington farmers market and Free to Feed as well as in local government. The Northcote electorate will soon receive a new local jobs advocate as part of our Jobs Victoria plan, who will be placed at the Aboriginal Advancement League in Thornbury and work on the ground to support people on JobKeeper impacted by the pandemic and people who have been long-term unemployed. But it is important we keep the momentum going and think strategically about how best to facilitate jobs growth in our unique suburbs.

A number of our suburbs are being serviced by co-working spaces, and there is growing demand for innovation and start-up incubators. The opportunity exists to create genuine pathways for makers and innovators as a means of attracting new jobs to the inner north. There are some wonderful models of this, both overseas and more locally. The FAB9 makerspace in Footscray is a fantastic model, with engineers and designers of all skill levels able to access training and high-end prototyping equipment. Flexible workspaces which co-locate child care are another great example of supporting jobs growth in a way that suits our modern lifestyles. These are just a few examples of how we can augment and amplify jobs creation in the industries of the future. I look forward to speaking with the minister about how we can continue to support people on JobKeeper, businesses and workers in our suburbs.