Kat Theophanous MP

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Over the last year the Thornbury Primary School (TPS) community has been hard at work. Together students, parents, carers, educators and staff have been getting together with architects AOA Christopher Peck to develop and endorse their exciting plans for the school’s major modernisation. With planning funding provided by the state Labor government in the last budget, they have worked to detail an exciting vision – a new prep and year 1 learning centre, STEM and food tech facilities, upgrades to the main building as well as a community hub to build connections beyond the school. The upgrades are long awaited, reflecting the pressures the school have faced in their centuries-old building with spaces which are not as accessible or inclusive as we expect in a modern education setting. Despite these limitations the school is thriving, with new bathrooms opened in term 1 and a new inclusive playground completed last year thanks to our government’s investment.

TPS has also been working to boost its science offering to students, hosting a STEM evening where students tinkered with drones and micro:bits and even made derby cars to test their engineering skills. New facilities would augment programs like this, building on their fantastic reputation for vibrant, engaging and inclusive learning. With planning complete, Thornbury Primary is now at the stage where further state funding is needed to engage a builder and begin works to acquit our $17.6 million election commitment. Along with the school community I have been advocating for this funding to be delivered in the next state budget and will continue to advocate for Thornbury Primary to have a bright future in the inner north.