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Hi, I’m Kat Theophanous - the Labor Member of Parliament for Northcote in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.
The Victorian Homebuyer Fund supports people to enter home ownership. If you have a 5% deposit, we’ll chip in up to 25% of the purchase price for a share in the property - which you buy back over time, interest-free.
Council Rates have been capped at 2.75 per cent for 2024-25.
Enquires relating to DFFH Housing should be raised with the Local Housing Office in the first instance. This includes maintenance requests, VHR application updates and DFFH tenant complaints.
Preston Housing Office
679/685 High St, Preston VIC 3072
1300 598 521
Collingwood Housing Office
229 Hoddle Street, Collingwood VIC 3066
1300 598 521
If you have an enquiry relating to community or social housing, it must first be directed to the community housing provider.
If the provider does not address the issue, the next step is to lodge a formal complaint with the Victorian Housing Registrar.
A complete list of community housing agencies can be found here:
Crisis Accommodation
1800 825 955
Monday to Friday, 5 pm to 9 am and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays.
Haven: Home, Safe – Preston
52-56 Mary Street, Preston 3072
Launch Housing
Darebin Assertive Community Outreach
Enquires regarding renting and your rights as a tenant, should be directed to the team at Consumer Affairs Victoria.
I’ve created a Renters Handbook as a guide to know your rights, tips to negotiate and how to seek help. Order your free digital or hardcopy here:
Kat Theophanous MP - Renters Handbook
The Victorian Government also offers up to 50% off their annual water and sewerage bill to eligible pensioners and health care card holders:
Help paying your bills (
The Victorian Government’s Utility Relief Grant Scheme offers relief grants for paying overdue energy or water bills to help low-income Victorians experiencing unexpected hardship:
Utility relief grant scheme - DFFH Services
Rebates and interest free loans are available for installing solar panels:
Solar panel (PV) rebate |
Rebates for installing solar batteries:
Solar battery loans |
Victorian Energy Compare allows you to compare your energy bills to ensure you are getting the best deal:
03 9480 8200
Bridge Darebin
03 9484 5806
Jika Jika Community Centre
03 9482 5100
SPAN Community House
03 9480 1364
Thornbury Church of Christ
03 9484 2918
Victorian Aboriginal Childcare Agency
03 9287 8800
Northcote is now home to two recycling drop off points for your cans and bottles - behind the Woolies on Plenty Rd & next to the Darebin Arts Centre off St George’s Rd. Get 10c back for every item as part of Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme.
Find your nearest refund point here: Victoria‘s Container Deposit Scheme | Find Locations