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Hi, I’m Kat Theophanous - the Labor Member of Parliament for Northcote in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.
If you or someone you know needs emergency medical attention, call 000.
Victorian Virtual Emergency Room
A public health service to treat non-life-threatening emergencies
Home - Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (
Emergency Departments
Our closest public hospitals are Austin Health and The Royal Melbourne Hospital
For more information about Public Hospitals in Victoria, click here.
Nurse-On-Call - 1300 606 024
Maternal and Child Health Line - 13 22 29 A free 24-hour telephone service. Qualified MCHNs offer information, advice and referral to all families with young children.
State Emergency Service (SES) - 132 500 Manages the emergency response to storms, flood, bushfires, tsunamis and earthquakes in Victoria. The SES also helps with road rescues.
Police Assistance Line (without the sirens) - 131 444
The Victorian Labor Government has established 29 Urgent Care Clinics across the state to take pressure off hospitals.
Urgent Care Clinics provide free walk-in care for non life-threatening conditions, ensuring you receive the right treatment when you need it most. Get treated for conditions like fractures, sprains, minor burns, fevers, stomach pain or infections.
No GP referral needed - Open 7 days. Find your nearest Urgent Care Clinic here.
If you are struggling or you know someone who is, please know that you are not alone. Help is available. And there is a network of people and services to support you. For more information about Victorian services and resources, click here.
Designated Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service - 1300 512 348 (run by Beyond Blue)
Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
Mental health information and support for all Victorians
Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14
A crisis support service offering short term support at any time for people who are having difficulty coping or staying safe.
SuicideLine - 1300 651 251
A free phone and online counselling for mental health for anyone affected by suicide.
Suicide prevention | Free counselling | SuicideLine Victoria
Eheadspace - 1800 650 893
Online and webchat support and counselling for 12-25 year olds, their family and friends.
Care in Mind - 1300 096 269 Online and phone counselling for people living, working, or studying in Melbourne's northern, central, and western suburbs. CareinMIND online counselling.
MensLine - 1300 78 99 78 Professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men. Phone 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). MensLine online counselling.
Mindspot - 1800 61 44 34 Free telephone and online service for people with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression. It provides online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression and can help you find local services.
Parentline - 13 22 89 Statewide telephone counselling and support service for all Victorian parents and carers of children from 0-18 years.
Headspace - 1800 650 890 or online at
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 or
ReachOut -
SANE Australia - 1800 187 263
1800Respect - 1800 737 732 confidential counselling, information and support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse via phone or online chat. 1800Respect online chat.
Directline - 1800 888 236 confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral service. Direct line online counselling.
Rainbow Door (Switchboard Victoria) - 1800 729 367 telephone or text 0480 017 246.
For LGBTIQA+ people who need support.
Rainbow Door — Switchboard Victoria
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre - 1800 015 188
Yarning Safe N Strong (YSNS) - 1800 959 563
A free counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and families who need to have a yarn with someone about their wellbeing.
The Orange Door (Family Violence Support)
Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Service - 1800 364 297 (24/7)
Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights - (03) 9481 3000
My Aged Care - 1800 200 422
Access Australian aged care information and services | My Aged Care