Statement on Northcote Golf Course

Earlier this year, Darebin Council voted to reconfigure and shorten the Northcote Golf Course to allow for almost 6 hectares of land to be repurposed into parkland.

My position has always and continues to be in support of shared use for this site. This means maximising access for local residents and families to new parkland while retaining accessible public sporting facilities.

As your State Member of Parliament, it has always been my position that both local sport and parkland play an important role in our community and that a balanced solution is possible.

Access to the Northcote Golf Course during the pandemic was incredibly valued by locals, including for my own family who live within walking distance. I am sensitive to the desire for expanded community access. That is why I have always supported looking at creative ways to achieve this - and been open to new ideas as this issue has evolved.

I’m also conscious of the value of community sport, including public golf. Sport is deeply valued in the inner north and continues to play an important role in supporting our health, wellbeing and social connection.

Since the very beginning, I’ve encouraged Darebin Council to bring the various parties together to see the space preserved, enhanced and made more accessible to the wider community.

For me, its critical that any plans for the site incorporate better cycling and pedestrian connections, improved amenity and facilities for the community as well as fundamental protections for the precious biodiversity values of the area, including our waterways.

I also want to see Darebin Council foster a meaningful partnership with local Traditional Owners regarding the site, both in terms of planning and long-term management.

Finally, I would like to see the public golf aspect of the site become more accessible, increasing opportunities for community engagement and participation. Whether that is through creative opportunities like family days, community events or something entirely new that responds to local needs.

The Northcote Golf Course site is owned by Darebin Council and any decisions about its future use will ultimately rest with them.

I have and will continue to listen to and work with our community to convey resident views to Darebin Council. And I will continue to offer my assistance and support to Darebin Council to explore and access Victorian Government funding opportunities for the site, wherever possible.