I am honoured to make a contribution on the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Amendment Bill 2021
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Hi, I’m Kat Theophanous - the Labor Member of Parliament for Northcote in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.
I am honoured to make a contribution on the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Amendment Bill 2021
My adjournment matter is to the Minister for Roads.
The action that I seek is that the Minister arrange a briefing between myself and senior members of VicRoads to discuss pedestrian safety around the Bell Street Bridge which intersects the Northcote, Preston and Pascoe Vale electorates.
Speaker today I would like to draw attention to a wonderful school within my community, Thornbury Primary School.
My question is to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers. I ask the minister: what steps, including progress on the Community Services Indexation Working Group, has the Victorian government taken to ensure our neighbourhood houses have the funding and support they need?
Vaccinations are the way out of this pandemic. We all know that.
It is with great pleasure that I rise to speak in support of the Social Services Regulation Bill 2021.
Speaker it gives me great honour to speak on the Inquiry into Sustainable Employment for Disadvantaged Jobseekers, which was referred to the Economic and Infrastructure Committee by the Legislative Assembly.
I am pleased to speak in support of the Commercial Tenancy Relief Bill 2021 which will deliver much needed support across the state as well as to local businesses in the Northcote Electorate.
My question is to the Minister for Housing.
What is the latest information on the progress of the Homes Victoria projects at Walker Street in Northcote and at Stokes and Penola streets in Preston?
My adjournment is to the Minster for Roads and Road Safety.
Will the Minister join me in the Northcote Electorate to see and discuss first hand some of the key road infrastructure issues impacting my community?
I am delighted to be speaking on this take-note motion on Labor’s state budget, a budget that is truly one with a heart. At its core it is about creating jobs and caring for Victorians, and it is about making sure that every dollar of investment we make as a government is going towards not just our economic recovery but our social recovery as well.
Speaker, last month joined my friend and colleague, the Member for Footscray, to visit Tweddle, an Early Parenting Centre located in her electorate.
It is with great pleasure that I rise is to speak in support of the Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2021, which will help deliver the next step in our rapid transition to renewable energy.
Will the minister join me and the local seniors in Northcote for a morning tea with the opportunity to hear from older residents and speak to them about our government’s work to support seniors?
My question is to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and relates to zero-emission vehicles. What is the government doing to accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles in Victoria, especially in the delivery of critical charging infrastructure?
The ability to calmly and assuredly follow an evidence-based approach to public health and safety, to follow the advice of experts and stare down those working in bad faith to undermine these efforts, that is indeed a matter of public importance. Because the alternative is just so unthinkable.
I rise to update the house and my community on the work of the Gender Equality Advisory Committee, which I have the honour of co-chairing with the member for Wendouree.
I am very pleased to be speak in support of the Education and Training Reform Amendment (Protection of School Communities) Bill 2021.
What steps has the Victorian Government taken during the circuit breaker period and beyond to support public housing tenants in the Northcote Electorate?
I rise to thank all our healthcare and front-line workers across the Northcote electorate who have been instrumental in our response to this pandemic.