My adjournment matter is to the Minister for Roads.

The action that I seek is that the Minister arrange a briefing between myself and senior members of VicRoads to discuss pedestrian safety around the Bell Street Bridge which intersects the Northcote, Preston and Pascoe Vale electorates.

My question is to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers. I ask the minister: what steps, including progress on the Community Services Indexation Working Group, has the Victorian government taken to ensure our neighbourhood houses have the funding and support they need?

I am delighted to be speaking on this take-note motion on Labor’s state budget, a budget that is truly one with a heart. At its core it is about creating jobs and caring for Victorians, and it is about making sure that every dollar of investment we make as a government is going towards not just our economic recovery but our social recovery as well.

The ability to calmly and assuredly follow an evidence-based approach to public health and safety, to follow the advice of experts and stare down those working in bad faith to undermine these efforts, that is indeed a matter of public importance. Because the alternative is just so unthinkable.