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Hi, I’m Kat Theophanous - the Labor Member of Parliament for Northcote in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.
Investment: $14.6 million
Status: Construction Underway
Preston South Primary School is undergoing an amazing transformation.
Earlier in the year I got to deliver the news to Principal Leonidas that the Andrews Labor Government is funding a $14.6 million modernisation.
Students will soon be learning in new state-of-the-art faculties with modern collaborative spaces, outdoor learning areas and dedicated science and tech spaces - as well as new staff and admin facilities. New landscaping and outdoor play areas will give kids the very best environment to grow and thrive.
There will also be room for Preston South to grow and embrace more families over the years – with space for 200 more students.
Preston South Primary has had it tough over the years - including two fires which limited the space available for students.
But this dynamo of a school has persevered. Principal Leon Leonidas and his team have worked with commitment and dedication to turn the fortunes of the school around - and I have been honoured to work side by side with them on this journey.
In 2019 I met with members of the School Council and we nutted out the best approach to achieve an upgrade for Preston South (pictured). That meant that in 2020, when the Government announced a stimulus package to fast-track school upgrades - we were ready.
It has taken hard work from the school community and I’ve pushed hard within Government - but what we’ve delivered will be an extraordinary legacy for generations of students in our suburbs.
Kerstin Thompson Architects (KTA) have been appointed for this very important project. KTA won an award for the beautiful Northcote High School Performing Arts Centre.
And you may also recognise KTA’s work in designing the Tarrawarra Cellar Door.
For more information on the project, check out the Victorian School Building Authority Website