Kat Theophanous MP

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Ms THEOPHANOUS (Northcote): My question is to the Minister for Health about the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in Victoria. I ask the minister: how is the Victorian government supporting the rollout of the commonwealth’s vaccine program in Victoria, and how will this impact my electorate of Northcote? The Northcote electorate is proudly home to many health and frontline workers as well as many aged-care staff and residents who have been heavily impacted by the pandemic. I want to take this opportunity to thank all our frontline aged-care and disability workers who have faced this challenge with compassion, strength and dedication. I am pleased that those in our community who are at high risk are part of stage 1 of the vaccine rollout. I understand the Victorian government is in discussion with the commonwealth about the number of additional vaccines Victoria may receive, and this could see Victoria deliver even more vaccinations in the first phase than anticipated. This is encouraging news, and I know my community would welcome any further information about what we are doing to help ensure the vaccine rollout is implemented safely and swiftly.