On the last sitting day of the year I want to thank my community for their compassion and creativity and reflect on what we have achieved together.
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Hi, I’m Kat Theophanous - the Labor Member of Parliament for Northcote in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.
On the last sitting day of the year I want to thank my community for their compassion and creativity and reflect on what we have achieved together.
I ask: how is the Andrews government improving the accessibility of the public transport network in the inner north?
The action I seek is that the minister organise a briefing for me with his department to discuss opportunities for delivering better social, economic and environmental outcomes through our planning framework.
I consider it a great honour to be able to take this moment in this Parliament to reflect on something which goes to the very core of our human experience: our mental health
Speaker, it’s Transgender Awareness Week – a chance to celebrate our trans and gender diverse communities.
My question is to the Minister for Community Sport, and I ask: how is the Victorian government helping to improve community sport outcomes through our Yarra Bend Park netball courts and pavilion project?
My adjournment is to the Minister for Early Childhood. The action I seek is that the minister join me in visiting Westgarth Kindergarten, a wonderful early childhood education centre in my electorate of Northcote.
It is with great pleasure that I rise to speak in support of the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Bill 2021. Over the weekend the world turned its collective attention to the existential threat of climate change as COP26 came to an end
Speaker, I rise to commemorate and celebrate the anniversary of the 28th of October, which to Greeks the world over is known as OXI day.
I rise to speak in support of the Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Bill 2021
My question is to the Minister for Creative Industries, and I ask: what steps are being taken to support our events and live music industries to recover from the pandemic?
This government and every person on this side of the chamber is about speaking up. Speaking up for equality. Speaking up for fairness. Speaking up against violence. We will not let the moment pass Speaker.
My adjournment is to the Minister for Housing, and I seek his action to ensure key social housing developments in the electorate of Northcote are completely free from gas.
My question into the Minister for Roads and Road Safety.
I ask the Minister what opportunities will be available for my community to provide further input and feedback on the Farm Road link to the Darebin Yarra Trail as this crucial project gets underway?
I rise to speak in support of the Terrorism (Community Protection) Amendment Bill 2021. It is an incredibly sad truth that atrocious acts of terrorism and violent extremism continue to impact communities across the globe, including right here in Victoria.
Speaker, today I would like to pay tribute to two extraordinary locals who have recently sadly passed away – Gerard Stevenson and Vince Pirrottina.
My adjournment is to the Minister for Health and the action that I seek is that the Minister provide me with an update on the work the Andrews Labor Government is doing to increase the rate of COVID-19 vaccinations in the Northcote Electorate.
My question is to the Minister for Community Sport.
What avenues are available to Local Government to apply for funding from the State Government to support upgrades of their own sports facilities?
Speaker, it is with pleasure that I rise to speak in support of the Water and Catchment Legislation Amendment Bill 2021, which will help deliver a stronger and more transparent water and catchment sector.
My adjournment is to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. The action I seek is that the Minister join me for a site inspection of the Preston level crossing removals in my electorate of Northcote.